What are the 3 P’s?

Ashley Robertson
2 min readJul 17, 2022

Published on: July 27, 2021

What are the 3 P’s?

No, not the 3 little pigs.
..But they can help explain them!

The 3 P’s are a mneumotic device used to remind you of the key factors that help build a strong foundation for your brand strategy and/or marketing.

1) Positioning

Using market research to figure out where you stand in your industry and how to use that to your benefit.

This will help you:

  • Control the narrative & reputation of your biz
  • Find your differentiator so you can stand out
  • Understand your competitive advantage & explain why your audience should buy from you

1st Piggy’s Mistake

Without market research, you can end up with the wrong positioning.

The first piggy ended up positioning his brand with convenience over quality. While businesses can thrive from this positioning, it doesn’t mean all should use it.

Instead, use research to find your pain points (a big, bad wolf in the area) and how your competition does well (higher quality builds). This allows you to choose a position that makes sense for your business.

2) Product



Ashley Robertson

A creative who dips her toes in an assortment of mediums. (Usually a medium hot chocolate, but this will do).