Portfolio Archive: SVMF 2014 Poster Design
Published: May 2, 2017
With summer quickly approaching, it’s that time of year when the line-ups are getting announced for all local music festivals. The first one I ever went to was Squamish Valley Music Festival in 2014. I still can’t even believe that I was lucky enough to see Eminem in concert. That’s a big, bold check off my bucket list.
Anticipating the festival, I made this poster in my “Advanced Typography” class that year at AI. It is a huge deal for fans of Eminem because he had previously been banned from Canada for an entire decade before this. Since that was one of the most appealing factors, and he is the main headliner, the hierarchy of the poster surrounds his name and illustration.
As music festivals get big artists for each day, Bruno Mars was next up to spotlight. The illustrations were something new I tried. I went for a stylized look with geometric shapes to flow with the strong edges of the text and the cut of the background. Consistent with this style, I illustrated a geometric map of the venue. I chose black and red as those are the two colours used in my favourite Eminem album (The Eminem Show) and they coincide with the Virgin Mobile logo (which is who the festival was being held by). Every artist and band that performed is featured amongst that list using an International Typographic Style. With all event details letting you know the types of passes, prices, dates, and where to get the tickets.
Project Done: 2014
Dimensions: 16x30"
RIP Squamish Valley Music Fest.
Fun fact: I actually sold a print of this poster in 2016.
A woman who lived in Alberta’s son went to the concert and she wanted to get him something to commemorate it.